
Archive for the ‘Places I’ve Been’ Category

I’ve just returned from a trip to Cambridge/Boston, Massachusetts. The hotel I stayed at had a few interesting (to say the least) tid-bits I thought I’d share.

1.     Every time I pulled a piece of toilet paper off the roll, it flew off and onto the floor.

Flying TP!

2.     I didn’t take a photo of this one, (probably should have). The shower had a knob to turn the water on and off and a knob for the temperature. That was kinda neat. The fact that half the water came out of the shower head and half out of the faucet during my shower, filling up the tub rapidly, was not neat.

3.     I searched high and low the first morning for the coffee. Every hotel I’ve stayed at has had a coffee maker and no matter how bad the coffee (or lack of good sweetener), I make myself a cup of coffee in the morning. Since I couldn’t find the coffee the first morning, on the second morning, I ventured downstairs asking the gentleman vacuuming the floors if the hotel had any coffee. He smiled and pointed me in the right direction. $3.59 later, with my deliciously big cup of steaming hot coffee with Splenda and cream, I headed back to my room, only to find this:

Why would they hide the coffee??

4.     On my way back up to my room at 6 am, I entered the elevator and immediately pushed the “door close” button.

What’s the point?

No one was around, so why not save a minute and close the door quickly. Um, no. There is nothing that magically happens when you press this button. The doors don’t automatically close, instead they take their time as if you never pushed anything! I’ve noticed this before in other hotels and in office buildings, so I ask this: why even bother?

5.     Ah, and I saved the best for last. I’m an event planner and when I have conferences happening, I’m up early in the morning. I’m the first one onsite; there to set up and greet all of the attendees. I was in bed last night by 10pm and up promptly at 2:30 am when a party was apparently taking place on the other side of my wall. I listened to people laughing and talking and yelling and banging LOUDLY in the room next to mine. I gave it a good amount of time, (whatever that may be when you’re groggy and tired and irritated).I don’t sleep well in hotels as it is and this was nothing short of a rude awakening. I gave the hotel operator a buzz. She apologized and said she would send security right up. I laid there, listening, urging myself to go back to sleep in spite of the noise. Finally, the roar lowered and I only heard laughter here and there; chatting every so often. By this point, it was after 3 am and I finally got back to sleep.

When I got up with my alarm at 6 am, hunted for coffee, got showered with a pool of water at my feet, dried, dressed and gathered all of my things, I ventured out into the hallway to start my day. I noticed that the door next to me had the “privacy please” hanger on the door. I giggled to myself, knowing full well that someone would be mighty hung over this morning, and promptly turned the sign around to read “service please”.

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There are so many bizarre things I run across daily, that hey, why not start a blog about them?

Recently, I stayed at a pretty nice hotel and ran across these odd things in my guest room.

  1. I guess they thought a dresser wasn’t enough and therefore I needed an awkward chest of drawers randomly placed in the corner between my bed and a couch?
  2. At this hotel, why is the hairdryer attached to the outlet? I can’t imagine that in this suite, they would have dryer-thieves so often that they’d need it bolted down.Maybe, considering this is a casino, they had other reasons for its imprisonment.Nope, seems to reach!
  3. On a lighter note: what happens to all the fitted sheets hotels don’t use?

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As I sit here and ponder the end of the year, flashes of events, laughter, and good times  throughout 2009 are spinning around in my head. It reminds me of how it’s claimed that your life flashes before your eyes as you leave the material world and venture off in to some strange, unknown universe. With that in mind, I figured a blog of this “scene” wouldn’t be a bad idea. Here’s my ode, as I sniff and wave good-bye, to 2009 and welcome with bright anticipation the coming of 2010.

Apollo has been the source of many laughs. He has made many boxes his home and bags his toys. I would save him when he got stuck and let him out when someone decided to put a heavy book on top of his box lid, trapping him inside. Not nice.

Athena has her own quirks and when her and Apollo get to playing together, the fun ensues.

I’ve been to bunches of meetings and different cities. I’ve explored their streets and tasted their beer. I’ve been through their snowstorms and thunderstorms and intense
heat…not to mention the mild, beautiful weather that just can’t be beat, making me long to return.

It’s amazing – I’ve been lucky enough to enjoy Washington, DC (again and again); Cleveland, OH (a couple times); Newport, RI; Albuquerque (soon for the third time) and Santa Fe, NM; Charlotte, NC (twice); Tampa, FL (quite a few times); I’ve had road trips from New Jersey to

Vermont and through the mountains of Pennsylvania; York, PA; Bloomington and Crane, IN; Princeton, NJ (twice); trips, parties, bon-fires and camping (with Duraflame??!!) all over south Jersey; and a visit to Maplewood, NJ that led to New York City, NY. And let’s not forget

Daytona, FL for the Daytona 500, which included an unexpected appearance by Tom Cruise and performance by Keith Urban.



My 2009 included the Phillies with dad and the Flyers’ suite with Dan, debates on Snuggies, themed parties,

good food, tailgating and concerts (XTU and Pat Green – or was that 2008?), a wedding, much drinking and hangovers, engagements (THREE!!) and father’s meeting, jeep “things”, time spent with soon-to-be family, family, friends, my favorite almost-four-year-old and favorite one year-old. 

2009 brought mom’s first tattoo  and dan’s first pumpkin carving, ghouls and black eyes, corn mazes, frightful hayrides (not that the engagement was frightful…the people just creeped me out ) and haunted houses.

2009 gave us a house we love (after seeing so many and long months of waiting), a trip to Atlantic City with the girls, dancing and more hangovers, (well, for only one of us and it wasn’t me).

2009 provided my addiction to the Twilight series and awesome artists and music and if I had to think about it off the top of my head, I’d say I love  John Mayer, Kings of Leon, Halestorm, Maroon 5, Evanessence, and so, so, many more.

With A lingered “bro-hug”, the “copacabana” and some strange girls and a bobblehead fit for a goof, yep, I’d say 2009 was a good year!


Originally written: January 6, 2010…why was this never posted? Sheesh…

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This reminds me of driving the roads in the Great Smoky Mountains. I close my eyes and imagine the sun on my face and the wind in my hair. Ahhhh I can’t wait for spring! Cruising around the curves and looking out into beautiful nature, untouched by man. Well, other than the paved road I was driving on. haha This song calms me and brings a smile to my face. 🙂

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Sunny Cleveland

So I’ve gotten a lot of backlash from friends after my last trip to Cleveland, OH, (01/31-02/02/2010). It’s funny, mainly because I was starting to come around to Cleveland.

As you may remember, I posted a few “nice” little videos on Cleveland, along with some not-so-nice comments, (that was my sarcastic side, by the way). By the time my February trip came up, I was feeling pretty good about Cleveland. Of course, not everyone was and I tried my best not to laugh or lash back with some snide remark about Cleveland. After all, doesn’t this really just translate to childish behavior of jealousy?

Anyway, upon my departure, I noticed how Cleveland’s sky was so drab and dreary. A few days later, my little New Jersey town was hit with the Blizzard of 2010. The very next day, I noticed how BLUE our skies were.

Snow everywhere and still a bright blue sky! 02/07/10

I’m willing to bet that Cleveland’s seen more snow than Jersey (which may possibly change after tonight – who knows?). Still, we keep seeing blue skies.

Sorry, Cleveland, still not a place I’d like to live.

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So, some of you already know how I feel about Cleveland, OH. Well, I wanted to share something else that a friend sent to me, just this afternoon. Enjoy!

and, an appropriate part deux to my part deux…

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I just got back from a trip to Cleveland, Ohio. What a wonderful city, what a wonderful state!! Uuuuugggghh! Look, I try to be fair and I get to go to a lot of cities, so, I’ve seen. Here are the things I’ve learned about Cleveland and Ohio from my recent visit:

1. Cleveland has only TWO seasons: winter and


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